Thyroid Disorders in Frisco, TX

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Your thyroid is a small organ found in the front of the neck that generates hormones that help regulate your body's functions, including your metabolism, energy levels, heart rate, and temperature. When your thyroid does not work as it should, it can result in a thyroid disorder, like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones while hyperthyroidism is when it produces too many hormones. At Equilibrium Health Coaching, board-certified family nurse practitioner Katherine Johnson can diagnose thyroid disorders and help improve the function of the thyroid gland using functional nutrition consulting. Contact her Frisco, TX location to schedule a visit today.

During your appointment, Katherine will go over your concerns, symptoms, and medical history. If you haven't officially been diagnosed yet, bloodwork will also be performed to check your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) so she can make a proper diagnosis. She may also check for any nutrient deficiencies you may have as a result of your thyroid disease. Once it has been determined which thyroid disorder you have, she will come up with the most effective meal plan for you. While your meal plan will be customized to you, some key nutrients she may incorporate that are essential for normal thyroid function are iodine and selenium.

Do you have an overactive thyroid with symptoms, like weight loss, heat sensitivity, and trouble sleeping, or do you have indications of an underactive thyroid, such as weight gain, cold sensitivity, and heavy periods? If so, board-certified family nurse practitioner Katherine Johnson in Frisco, TX will work to diagnose your thyroid disorder and provide evidence-based nutritional medicine to help improve your thyroid function. Schedule an appointment at Equilibrium Health Coaching today.

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